The Department of Community and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) of Illinois provides a foundation for the economic prosperity of all Illinoisans, through coordination of business recruitment and retention, provision of essential capital to small businesses, investment in infrastructure and job training for a 21st century economy, and administration of state and federal grant programs.
lllinois connects you and your business to the world. With the nation's largest inland transportation hub and port, it's no wonder we are home to over 30 Fortune 500 companies, and headquarters to hundreds more
Starting a new business is an exciting time. It can also be daunting. The State of Illinois offers a clearinghouse of information as well as support programs and benefits on starting a small business, serving as your one-stop shop for all things startup.
The State of Illinois offers programs and services to help Illinois businesses thrive in today’s economy, and provide a variety of assistance to businesses considering expanding or relocating operations to the State of Illinois.
Illinois is known for its highly skilled workforce, with talent available to you from some of the top schools in the nation, and our dedicated statewide workforce development programs, will provide great value to your business' future growth and success.